Readers Theatre Script- Benny and Penny in The Big No-No! by Geoffrey Hayes and Penny in The Big No-No! 

by Geoffrey Hayes

Narrator 1       Narrator 2      
Benny             Penny            

Narrator 1: Benny and Penny are standing near the fence in their backyard. 

Narrator 2: Benny is looking through a hole in the fence.

Penny: Hi, Benny.

Benny: Hush, Penny!

Penny: What are you looking at?

Benny: Mommy said there is a new kid next door.  But, I can’t see anything!

Penny: Let me look!

Benny: But, there is nothing to see

Penny: I want to look!

Narrator 1: Penny peeks through the hole.

Penny: Oh! I can see!

Benny: What??

Penny: A pretty flower!

Benny: Who cares about an old flower?

Penny: I do!  I hope the new kid is a little girl.

Benny: Why?

Penny: Girls are nicer. 

Benny: No, they’re not! 

Narrator 2: Benny is looking for something. He looks under a barrel and in the bushes.

Benny: Girls are cry-babies.  I hope it’s a boy!  Okay.  Where is my pail?

Penny: I don’t know!

Benny: It was here yesterday!

Penny: Well, I didn’t take it!

Benny: Where is it?

Penny: I don’t know!!

Benny: Why do you have to cry all the time? I was just asking!

Penny: WAAAAA!!! (Sniff!) Maybe the new kid took it.

Benny: Do you think the new kid climbed over the fence and came into our yard?

Penny: Maybe. (Sniff!)

Benny: You can’t just take stuff.

Penny: Yes. That’s a no-no!

Narrator 1: Benny and Penny climb up the fence and peer over.

Benny: I still can’t see anything!

Penny: I can! Down there! Look, footprints!

Narrator 2: Benny climbs onto a tree branch.

Benny: They go all along the fence!  That’s the proof! 

Narrator 1: Benny starts to fall off the branch.

Benny: Ooops!

Narrator 2: Plop! He falls into the bushes.

Penny: Benny!

Benny: I’m okay.

Narrator 1: Penny crawls down the tree branch into the other yard with Benny.

Penny: But we don’t belong in this yard.  It’s a big no-no!

Benny: These footprints are big and scary. 

Penny: The new kid must be a monster.

Benny: No…Mommy would have told us.

Penny: Maybe she doesn’t know.  Let’s go back!

Benny: Not yet- I see my pail!  Stay there, Penny!

Narrator 2: Splop! Benny steps into mud.

Benny: Mud! Pooie!

Penny: Benny, look!  The monster is making mud pies!

Benny: Hush, Penny.  It will hear you!

Penny: Oh.  These mud pies have pretty flowers on top. 

Benny: So?

Narrator 1: Benny almost reaches his pail.

Narrator 2: Flap!  Flap!  Flap!  Flap! The kids hear something.

Penny: Someone is coming!

Benny: Hide!

Narrator 1: Flap!  Flap!  Flap! 

Narrator 2: They hide in the bushes.

Penny: Monster feet!

Benny: Hush, Penny!

Narrator 1: Two big eyes look into the bushes near Benny and Penny.

Narrator 2: Benny holds his hand over Penny’s mouth.

Narrator 1: Flap!  Flap!  Flap! 

Melina: I’ll go get my mud pies.

Narrator 2: Benny and Penny look at each other.

Benny: It’s a little girl!

Melina: Uh oh!  This one on the end is all broken!

Narrator 1: She looks at the birds. 

Melina: Hey birds, get away from my pies! Now I will have to make a new one.

Narrator 2: She flings the broken mud pie into the bushes by Benny and Penny.

Benny and Penny: Yeow!

Melina: Who’s in there?  Come on out!

Narrator 1: Mud flies out of the bushes and hits the girl in the face.

Narrator 2: Splop!

Melina: Waaaaa!!!

Narrator 1: The girl runs away. Benny and Penny come out of the bushes.

Penny: You made her cry!

Benny: I don’t care! She took my pail!  And it’s full of dirty old dirt!

Narrator 2: The girl comes back with a ball of mud.

Benny: Run!!!

Narrator 1: She throws the mud at Benny and Penny as they run away. 

Narrator 2: Whoosh! Splop! The mud hits Benny on the back.

Benny: Throw mud at me, will you?  You asked for it!

Narrator 1: Benny throws mud at the new girl. Splop!

Penny: Benny, let’s just go!

Narrator 2: Splop! Mud hits Penny’s face.

Penny: Waaaa!

Benny: Now, look what you did!  Come on, Penny.

Narrator 1:  Benny helps Penny over the fence. 

Narrator 2:  Splop! Mud almost hits Benny as he goes over the fence.

Benny: Little monster!

Penny: That new kid is mean!

Benny: ….And she takes things!  I’m telling Mommy!

Narrator 1: Penny stops.  She sees something.

Penny: Benny, look!  Your pail!

Narrator 2: Benny sees his pail is in his sandbox.

Benny: Huh? What’s my pail doing here?

Penny: You took her pail!

Benny: Oh no!  And we messed up all her mud pies!

Penny: We have to give back her pail!

Benny: But if we go back the little girl will throw mud at us.  I have an idea!  I’ll just toss the pail over the fence. 

Penny: No!  You might hurt her!

Narrator 1: Penny climbs up the fence to look at the girl.

Benny: What is she doing?

Penny: Crying.

Benny: Again?

Penny: Hello.

Benny: We have your pail.

Melina: Give it back!

Penny: We’re sorry.

Narrator 1: Benny and Penny climb back over the fence into the new girl’s yard.

Benny: We took it by mistake!

Penny: He thought it was his pail.

Benny: Don’t throw mud!  I’m putting your pail down right where it was.  See?  Now I’m backing away.

Narrator 2: Benny walks into mud.  He slips. 

Benny: Oops!

Narrator 1: Splop! Benny falls into the mud.

Narrator 2: Penny and Melina look surprised.

Penny and Melina:  Tee Hee!! Ah, ha! Ha!

Benny: It’s not funny!  Dumb girls!

Narrator 1: Benny starts to run away.

Narrator 2: Whapp!! He runs into a piece of wood and it hits him in the face.

Benny: Waaaaa!

Melina: Ha, ha! What a cry baby!

Penny: No, he’s not!  He’s hurt!

Melina: Oh, I’m sorry.  You can play with my pail.

Benny: I don’t want to!

Melina: And you can play in my yard.

Benny: But-

Penny: It’s not a no-no if she asks us.

Benny: But, I’m a dirty mess!

Melina: I’ll fix it.  Don’t move.

Narrator 1: The girl walks away and comes back. 

Benny: Yeow!

Narrator 2: She sprays Benny with a hose.

Benny: What did you do that for?

Melina: To get all the mud off.

Benny: Hey!  You’re right!  It’s gone!

Melina: Hi, I’m Melina.

Penny: I’m Penny.

Benny: And I’m Benny the little piggy playing in the mud. Oink! Oink!

All: The end.
Readers Theatre story and dialogue from:  
Hayes, G. (2009) Benny and penny in the big no-no!: A toon book. New York: Toon Books.




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